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medically necessary中文是什么意思

用"medically necessary"造句"medically necessary"怎么读"medically necessary" in a sentence


  • 有医疗需要的


  • How should we define concepts like " reasonable access " to " medically necessary " services , so that the courts are not left to interpret them for us
    我们应该如何定义像“合理可用的” 、 “医学上必须的”服务等概念,而不是将它们拿到法庭上去辩论?
  • Among the ten steps to successful breastfeeding advocated by the who and unicef , steps six and nine clearly state that formula supplementation and pacifier use , except when medically necessary , should be avoided
    摘要who / unicef所提倡的成功哺喂母乳十步骤,其中步骤六及步骤九明确的陈述非医疗需要应避免配方奶的添加以及人工奶嘴的使用。
用"medically necessary"造句  


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